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Forever Clear BBL Acne Treatment

For people who suffer from acne, Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to clear acne and create healthier, more attractive facial skin, without creams or medicine. The treatment uses the world’s most powerful BBL device to help you have clear, healthy skin.

How Does Forever Clear BBL Treat My Acne?

Forever Clear BBL treatments use the energy generated by a powerful BBL machine that delivers light energy deep into your skin, stimulating and regenerating skin cells affected by acne, and leaving your skin radiant and acne-free. There are three steps to each Forever Clear BBL treatment:

  • Step 1: Skin is treated with BBL light that eliminates acne-causing bacteria at its source (deep in the pores)
  • Step 2: Skin is then treated with bright yellow light in order to reduce inflammation and acne-associated redness, leaving you with healthy, luminous skin.
  • Step 3: The final step includes treatment with SkinTyte II™, an infra-red light that uses fast, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process.

There is typically no recovery time associated with the procedure, which means that most patients can wear make-up and resume normal activities immediately. With the knowledge of our team here at Dr. Gabriel's Portland medical spa, the passion we have for our patients, and the drive we have for results; we will help your skin stand the test of time and feel better than it ever has at any age.

Is it specifically for acne treatment?

Forever Clear BBL is only used to treat acne through innovative technology. It is one of the safest, least-invasive, and painless therapies on the market, as well as one of the most effective. Forever Clear BBL is:

  • Non-invasive
  • Quick and easy
  • Virtually painless
  • Has no recovery time
  • FDA-approved

Will I Need to Factor in Any Recovery Time?

As with all procedures, you will have to follow your aftercare plan until you skin is completely healed, which typically about one week after the treatment. Otherwise, there is no real recovery time associated with this treatment. After a Forever Clear BBL treatment, you may experience:

  • Some redness that will resolve within a few hours
  • Clearer skin
  • Tightened pores

Post-treatment it is wise to avoid direct sun exposure and to use sunscreen. Otherwise, there is no recovery time associated with Forever Clear BBL treatments, and in general you can expect to see an improvement after just one treatment.

Skincare Post-Forever Clear BBL Treatments

Forever Clear BBL treatments helps you manage your acne long term thanks to its innovative technology and proven results. For added benefit, you will want to follow the direction from your consultation regarding skincare post-treatment and may want to seek a personalized plan including add-on and follow-up treatments, as well as a skincare regimen to keep your skin clear.

Am I a candidate?

Men and women of all ages can be good candidates for this life-changing treatment, and we recommend that you contact Dr. Gabriel’s office for a consultation today. As a treatment for acne, Forever Clear BBL treatments can be used on most areas of your body, although the most typical areas considered for treatment are the:

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Back

While most people experience results after a single treatment, the total number of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. You will work with Dr. Gabriel and his staff to determine how many Forever Clear BBL treatments will be right for you.

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